Our very own Chris Fong, Director of Sales, finished up his Knifless Tape Certification at 3M this month. This means Chris is now, other than the 3M certified trainer certificate, Master certified with 3M.
What Does it Mean to be a 3M Certified Installer?
At the basic level, being certified means we’ve passed the test. Now this isn’t just any test where you show up and get a pass… Chris spent 3 days at their headquarters in workshops and practicing installation methods. All of this, alongside continual testing, led to the certification itself. 3M takes their certifications very seriously.
What is So Unique About the Most Recent Certification?
Our most recent certification—3M Endorsed Knifeless Tape Installer—puts us in a place only a handful of other companies exist. Seriously, we actually don’t know of any other company out there who has all of these certifications from 3M. We’ve committed to providing the best possible installations for our clients, and the only real way to do this is continual training and knowledge of any new technologies comes down the pipe.
3M Relies on Us for Advice
When you get to the point where you are master certified, it means something completely different. At the level AP Corp sits, we can now work with 3M on national projects on a consultative basis. 3M relies on us for advice on how projects and methods are performing in the field and they use this information to improve their products and services.
What are the Different 3M Certifications?
There are four main 3M certifications you can earn. Each certification requires the site visit to 3M’s facilities as well as the vigorous training workshops and testing.
What Does this Mean for our Customers?
The main benefit you receive from these efforts as a customer is quality. Going through the training done by 3M ensures we know exactly how to prepare, design, and apply all 3M products. Put differently, if the manufacturer trusts us enough to endorse our work, you can trust us as well.